
与Nadine Alameh的对话:一次以勇气为标志的地理空间之旅

纳丁·阿拉梅博士.D. 首任执行董事是 泰勒地理空间研究所(TGI). Here, she reflects on key moments from her life that brought her to this new position 也让她成为了世界知名的地理空间专家.

纳丁·阿拉梅博士.D.1975年,当她的家乡爆发内战时,她还只是一个蹒跚学步的孩子 黎巴嫩. 不同宗教和政治派别之间的血腥冲突 and outside the country dragged on for years, transforming Beirut from a cosmopolitan capital (some referred to it as the Paris of the Middle East) into a scarred battlefield 那里每天都有炸弹和子弹飞来飞去.

For the first 22 years of Alameh’s life, she, her brother, and her sister survived 战区的日常挑战. 当他们还是孩子的时候,他们就被他们的单身女子所包围 mother from temporary home to temporary home — trying to wrest some semblance of normalcy 远离周围混乱的环境. 有的晚上他们会睡在沙滩上,有的晚上他们会睡在沙滩上 他们会在朋友家避难. 阿拉梅记得有一次特别刺耳 memory as her mother, Nada, drove the family through the treacherous streets of Beirut: “她有一辆大众甲壳虫. 她把我们放在后面,把东西放在我们身上. 你可以 不仅能听到炸弹声,还有狙击手的声音。”阿拉梅回忆道. 她说, “如果车停了,你就呆在那里. 因为这意味着我中枪了. 你呆在那儿,然后 如果你什么也没听到,那就继续说.’”


Even as she navigated this peripatetic and traumatic early life, Alameh managed to excel in school, often using books as a refuge to escape the horrors of her reality. 18岁时,阿拉梅申请了竞争激烈的计算机行业的一个职位 他是贝鲁特美国大学工程专业的学生. 她不仅通过了 entrance exam, she scored in the top seven of all applicants and received a full scholarship 尽管那时她还从未见过电脑.

的 courage that saw Nadine Alameh through the extremely difficult circumstances of 她早年在贝鲁特的生活一直是她职业生涯的标志. 她不断地 寻求挑战,并在陌生的领域表现出色,阿拉梅做到了 成为地球空间科学领域的领军人物.

When she was an undergraduate student in Beirut, Alameh说 that one of her instructors encouraged her to apply for a scholarship to attend graduate school at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), even though she had no desire for such a long-distance 移动. “我哪儿都不想去,因为我不想离开我妈妈和我的。 妹妹和我哥哥,”阿拉梅说. 但她确实申请了麻省理工学院的四个奖学金之一, 她赢了. 阿拉梅被随机分配到城市规划硕士课程 with a concentration in geographic information systems (GIS), a tool for visualizing 分析空间数据. 这将是她对地理空间科学的入门.

During her graduate program, which she started in 1995, Alameh interned at MIT’s Intelligent Transportation Systems Lab, w在这里 researchers were creating geospatial simulations of the “Big Dig,” a massive infrastructure project to build a tunnel that rerouted 93号州际公路穿过波士顿市中心. 她实验室的导师说, 再上几节额外的课,阿拉梅可能会获得博士学位.D. 除了她的硕士学位. She followed the advice and emerged from MIT in 2001 with a doctorate in information 除了两个系统工程硕士学位,还有一个是土木工程硕士学位 一个是城市规划. 

阿拉梅在毕业典礼上与黎巴嫩俱乐部的成员合影. 她赢得了 麻省理工学院土木工程和土木规划硕士学位 1997年毕业于麻省理工学院.

Through her graduate school experience at MIT, Alameh说 she developed a sense for 地理空间科学包罗万象的本质. 一切都发生在空间和 阿拉梅说. “这是起点. 同时,还有空间关系 能让你对任何事情有全新的认识.”

Alameh continued to hone her expertise in the emerging field of geospatial science as she secured various positions after grad school: as a project manager for a company that did contract work for NASA; as senior technical advisor to NASA's Applied Science Program's Geoscience Interoperability Office (GIO) mission; as the president of MobiLaps LLC, a software technology and professional services company; as CEO of software company Snowflake Software; and as chief architect of Innovations and Technology Strategy 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司. 从2019年开始,Alameh担任首席执行官 and president of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), a concentration of more than 500 industry, government, research, and academic organizations that strive to make FAIR(可查找、可访问、可互操作和可重用).“在 在担任OGC负责人期间,Alameh还担任过美国政府的成员.S. 部门 the Interior’s National Geospatial Advisory Committee and as a board member of the 联合国全球地理空间信息管理私营部门网络. 

Alameh作为TGI的执行董事在2023年Geo-Resolution 2023上发表讲话.

在她的地理空间科学之旅中,阿拉梅非常重视建筑 该领域以及增加代表性不足的群体进入该领域的能力. 自 2022年,她成为LebNet的董事会成员,这是一家专注于使能技术的非营利组织 黎巴嫩裔企业家和专业人士在全球舞台上取得成功. 2019年,阿拉梅成为有史以来第一位多元化领导力奖获得者 在加拿大GoGeomatics的GeoIgnite会议上. 在2023年初,她赢得了第24届年度 非营利性和学术界女性技术领袖奖. Alameh said that her approach of fueling geospatial science and technology while simultaneously 支持STEM领域的多样性和女性是她选择的原因之一 来 泰勒地理空间研究所(TGI) 于2023年9月担任首任执行董事. “有一个更大的使命 而不是地理空间,”她说. 这是在帮助社会,这是我们应该做的 毕竟真的都在做.” 

Alameh also noted that she has had a front-row seat to a remarkable evolution in geospatial science, from desktop GIS to web GIS to web services to cloud computing to the growth of Earth observation to autonomous everything to artificial intelligence/machine learning 从3D和数字双胞胎到现在的电子游戏. 

“Geospatial science has expanded into more markets that can fit on a piece of paper,” Alameh说. “这是地理空间的能量,这是TGI的能量.” 

At the helm of TGI, she expressed her goal to steer the young organization into a bright future as the central node of a thriving geospatial ecosystem taking shape 在街上. 路易地区. “地理空间领域从不缺少机会. 我们可以 do many things and be successful and have the consortium and keep everybody happy,” 她说. “但这还不够,至少对我来说是这样. 我希望TGI以它的 不仅对地理空间,而且对社会和地球的影响. 这是一个伟大的想法.” 

由Andrew C. 在博彩网址大全的带领下, TGI is a consortium of eight research and academic institutions including the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Harris-Stowe State University, the University of Illinois 密苏里大学厄巴纳-香槟分校 & 科技,密苏里大学, 密苏里大学圣路易斯市. 圣路易斯的路易斯和华盛顿大学. 路易. 在一起 the consortium houses more than 100,000 students and 5,000 faculty, hundreds of whom 从事地理空间科学与技术. TGI已经清点了 geospatial expertise across this sprawling consortium and identified several application areas w在这里 researchers are applying emerging and exciting geospatial tools and thinking. 这些工具包括人工智能/机器学习、地理信息学和 remote sensing, and the challenges to which these methodologies are applied run the 范围从卫生和农业到环境和国家安全. 

Alameh moderating the “Leader’s Look” conversation at the 2023 Geo-Resolution Conference 在圣. 路易.
Alameh moderating the “Leader’s Look” conversation at the 2023 Geo-Resolution Conference 在圣. 路易. 

With no shortage of raw material in the TGI consortium in terms of talent, expertise, and research excellence, Alameh说 that an eventual goal is to position TGI as a hub of geospatial science that can not only characterize the dynamic world we inhabit 但帮助预测可能会发生什么变化. “所以你来TGI是为了, “50年后会发生什么?? 100年后会发生什么?’”她说。. “所以不是今天的分析,而是预测未来.” 

As a new war gripped the Middle East in the fall and winter of 2023, Alameh was forced to relive the trauma of her early life in Beirut even as she delighted in the promise 她在TGI的新角色. “(以色列和哈马斯战争)的第一个星期,我做不到 睡觉,”她说. “当我睡觉的时候,我又看到了炸弹,因为那就是我看到的 这个消息.” 

But as she has throughout her life, Alameh will marshal on and face new challenges 带着希望,专注,最重要的是,勇气. 

“我很自豪,我的每一次行动都建立在每一次行动的基础上,这与我是谁是一致的 就是把我知道的东西拿来尝试新的东西,”阿拉梅说. “我喜欢这样 回首往事,我就会觉得:这太疯狂了,但我还是有勇气的.”

鲍勃·格兰特(Bob Grant)的故事 泰勒地理空间研究所.

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